The Congregational Church of Belmont, along with the United Church of Christ as a whole, is committed to standing against racism and injustice in America and around the world. Please see our previous post for further reading and resources, including donation links, for this cause. We are also gathering a list of black-owned businesses to promote and support. If you know of any local or online ones that we have not listed here, please leave us a comment or send us a message at
Please note that not all businesses listed have been vetted by CCB. As always, please use caution and common sense when doing business online.
Local Businesses:
Bay Area Black Market, a website listing black-owned Bay Area businesses
Eater SF’s “A Roundup of Guides to Supporting the Bay Area’s Black-Owned Restaurants”
BAOBOB – The Bay Area Organization of Black Owned Businesses, which includes a downloadable directory of both local and national businesses
“Here’s How to Find Black-Owned Businesses to Support in the Bay Area, Including Restaurants”, an article from SFist
Black-Owned Businesses in the South Bay and Peninsula, a curated list from Yelp
Bookstores That Specialize in Black Literature, a directory from the African American Literature Book Club (California is selected in the link, but they list bookstores nationwide)
The Ultimate List of Black-Owned Farms and Food Gardens, including five in California
60+ Black-Owned Breweries to Support Across the Country, including seven in California (and one in San Francisco!)
Online or National Businesses:
Shoppe Black, a website with tons of info about black-owned brands, including this post about black-owned tea brands you can purchase online
A list of black-owned Etsy shops compiled by The Mad Mommy
A list of black-owned (and cruelty-free!) cosmetics and beauty brands compiled by @emilywolfbeauty and @logicalharmony on Instagram
Five Fifths, described by co-founder Kyle Umemba as “the largest list of black-owned restaurants and online businesses on the internet.” The site also curates black business news and interviews with black entrepreneurs
An article from Finimpact: How to Support Black-Owned Small Businesses
This is just a start – we are always looking for more resources to share!